Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Shaw's Farm


  1. Hey look! I figured out a way to comment on here...aren't you proud of my technology!?! Anyways, these pictures are hilarious and your comments even funnier. I am still waiting for you to eat some bacon with the hair still on it! I love reading your posts, so you need to write stuff more often. I know that you probably have enough communication to keep up with, but you are just so funny. LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU!!!

  2. Heyy!! I'm glad you figured out how to post. Half the time I can't even figure it out!! Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be eating bacon with the hair on it anytime soon since Mrs. Ester is no longer with us.

  3. Okay....this post is old. Time to write a new one and catch us up!
